Arbeit Nutzen Anleitung
Arbeit Nutzen Anleitung
Bookpresentation and exhibition at Sehsaal, Vienna 2019
At some point we realized that we are all working. With this seemingly mundane, however important finding, the question „what for?“ turned into the wish to make a suggestion „for that!“.
In an intense workshop format, the collective and other invited artists and workers were discussing the relation between artproduction and labour. The outcome was a book – 200 pages, pocketsized, handbound by the conte potuto.
Many of the articles were not tied to the print medium in terms of their form and materiality. We wanted to present these objects together with the book. Reading chairs, reading lamps and paintings filled the exhibition space. We finally designed a complete reading room, referring to the home of a character appearing in the book, who looses track when trying to imagine a world beyond capitalism.